Dos plazas de doctorado con evolución de aves en Australia ~

13 de julio de 2017

Dos plazas de doctorado con evolución de aves en Australia

Apply by 21st July

We are pleased to announce two opportunities available for a start from mid to late 2017

1: Adapting to a foreign climate: the reproductive ecology of the
house sparrow in Australia The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) was
introduced into Australia in the 1860’s and has since become well
established across a broad range of climates in both countries. This
project will take advantage of this ‘experimental’ introduction to
focus on behavioural and physiological adaptations to different climates
through a field-based comparative approach. This research will complement
our existing work on related questions in endemic Australian species
and will provide insight into the capacity of avian species to adapt
to changing climates. This project will involve periods of field-work
in Broken Hill, Armidale and Hobart in Australia, along with a range
of behavioural, molecular and physiological assays. The project will
involve collaboration with other groups in Australia and the US.

2: The challenge of growing in a hot climate (in the zebra finch) In
recent years we have characterised the very hot conditions in which
zebra finches are raised (with nests regularly exceeding 40 degrees
(C)), as well as identifying adverse effects of these conditions on
embryonic development, offspring growth, and adult sperm. This project
will investigate the adaptations that this iconic and well-studied
species has to deal with the extreme climate in which it lives. The
project will take a variety of approaches including behavioural work, and
assays of metabolism and physiology. The research will combine fieldwork
and laboratory work. The project will be run in collaboration with Dr
Christine Cooper (Curtin University, Western Australia), Prof. Pierre
Deviche (Arizona State University, US), and Prof. Pat Monaghan (Glasgow,

Both of these projects are supported by ARC Discovery Project funds.

Application The Department of Biological Sciences at Macquarie University
is a vibrant environment which offers excellent support to postgraduate
students. A Macquarie University Excellence in Research Scholarship
has already been assigned to one of these projects, but there are
other scholarship opportunities available to suitably competitive
candidates. International candidates are welcome to apply for any of
the projects listed above.

The MQRES full-time stipend rate is $26,682 pa tax exempt for 3 years
(indexed annually). In addition to external grant support for projects,
there is additional internal funding (up to $17,000) available to cover
direct research expenses and conference travel.

Applicants should have a research-based MSc, or Honours in a related
discipline, and additional relevant research experience. For these
projects an ability to work in remote and harsh conditions as well as
experience in capturing and handling animals is desirable. A driving
licence is required for all projects.

Applications should include 1) your CV, 2) a brief statement of your
reasons for applying (max. 500 words) and the project you are applying to
work on, 3) contact details of two academic referees, 4) your nationality
(for scholarship eligibility purposes). Applications should be submitted
electronically as a single PDF file.

Applications for these positions (and any initial enquiries) should
be emailed by 21st July 2017 to: Prof. Simon
Griffith, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney,
NSW 2109, Australia

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