21 de julio de 2017
Se buscan anilladores de aves en Canadá
EXPERIENCED PASSERINE BANDERS (2) needed for fall migration-monitoring project at St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada. One can expect to catch a good variety of warblers, sparrows, flycatchers, vireos and thrushes; even the odd northern rarity at this small 15-net Station. Banders must have experience extracting birds from mist-nets, as well as handling and identifying passerines. Positions involve daily banding, record keeping and minor net maintenance. Two positions are open: one to start 24 August and the second to start 14 September; each for five weeks. Accommodation is provided at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre (www.huntsmanmarine.ca) and successful applicants will be eligible for a $350/week stipend. Having one’s own vehicle is very useful. Please submit a letter of interest, plus two references to Tracey Dean at tdean@huntsmanmarine.ca, outlining your previous banding experience including number of birds banded and extracted, and ability to identify birds in the hand.