We are looking for candidates who would be interested in submitting a personal application for a parakeet research project to the 1st of February call of the FWO, the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research. This could be either for a PhD fellowship, or a postdoc fellowship. Funding is not guaranteed as the call is quite competitive, but we would be happy to support the candidate in writing a strong application. In particular, we have some ideas for a project on parakeet movements using the latest GPS tracking technology, possibly combined with remote sensing methodologies. The main focus would be on parakeet movements and habitat use.
As the selection is based on the applicant’s CV as well as project quality, suitable candidates should have a very strong track record (for PhD fellowships (only EU/EER!): excellent study grades, if possible a publication; for postdoc fellowships: a strong publication record, and preferably already some international mobility).
Potential candidates can contact us for more information at erik.matthysen@uantwerpen.be and/or diederik.strubbe@ugent.be. Information on the call can be found at http://www.fwo.be/en/fellowships-funding/.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Matthysen
Diederik Strubbe
9 de diciembre de 2017
PhD or postdoc proposal to work with parakeet movements and habitat use