Oferta de doctorado en cáncer (Alemania) ~ Bioblogia.net

8 de abril de 2018

Oferta de doctorado en cáncer (Alemania)

The Faculty of Medicine of Philipps University Marburg, Institute of Molecular Oncology, head Prof. Thorsten Stiewe, offers a position for a

Research Assistant (PhD student)

The position is offered for a period of three years, if no former times of qualification must be considered. The starting date is as soon as possible. Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in Germany (TV-H, pay scale E 13, 65 % of regular working hours) and commensurate with experience.

The junior group of Dr. Anna Brichkina is working on developing new therapeutic approaches to target the tumor stroma for cancer therapy (Brichkina et al., Genes and Dev, 2016; Cell Death and Diff, 2016). The team is an active member of the German Center of Lung Research (DZL). The current project is dedicated to identify new targets within the macrophage component of the tumor microenvironment which could be used as clinical biomarkers and help to design new approaches for lung cancer treatment. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and will be performed in tight collaboration with the Biobank at the Thoraxklinik and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, the Max Planck Institute for Lung and Heart Disease (Bad Nauheim, Germany) and Pathology Institute, University Clinic of Marburg. Different modern methods such as 3D co-culture of tumor and stromal cells, isolation and culturing of primary cells, RNAseq analysis, analysis of liquid and !
tumor tis
sue biopsies, various standard cell culture and molecular biology techniques will be used. The project combines basic research with translational aspects and involves working with laboratory animals.

Marburg is a famous historical University city situated near Frankfurt. The Institute of Molecular Oncology offers an excellent working environment with the access to first-class core facilities and state-of-the-art research techniques. Our genomics core facility possesses Illumina next generation sequencers and equipment for single cell sequencing. The institute has a brand-new animal facility equipped with modern bioimaging instruments for in vivo examination of small animals. Our team offers a supportive, dynamic and motivating environment with excellent training opportunities. Your work will be strongly supported by our team members, who are the experts in next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, genome editing and mouse tumor modelling.

The position is limited to a time period deemed adequate for the completion of a doctoral degree. As part of the assigned duties, there will be ample opportunity to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate.
The limitation complies to §2, 1 WissZeitVG.

The successful applicant holds an MSc-degree or equivalent in Biology or a related relevant discipline. We expect from the successful candidate a deep interest in cancer biology, high motivation and enthusiasm, critical thinking, experience in molecular and cell biology, experience with mice is an advantage. Disposition to own scientific qualification (e.g. a doctorate project in the area of cancer research is expected).

We actively support the professional development of junior researchers by the offers of Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the International Office, the Higher Education Didactics Office and the Human Resources Development Office.

We support women and strongly encourage them to apply. In areas where women are underrepresented, female applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Applicants with children are welcome – Philipps-University is certified as a family-friendly university. Sharing a full-time position (§ 8 Abs. 2 S. 1 HGlG) as well as a reduction of working time is possible. Applicants with a disability as described in SGB IX (§ 2 Abs. 2, 3) will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Application and interview costs cannot be refunded.

Please send your complete application documents (including a detailed CV, list of publications, motivation letter and two references) in a single pdf file to sekretariat-molonco@uni-marburg.de mentioning the registration number fb20-0072-wmz-2018, deadline 20.04.2018.

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