Plazas de master o doctorado con aves en Canadá ~

23 de abril de 2018

Plazas de master o doctorado con aves en Canadá

PhD/MSc positions. Fall 2018 or Spring 2019. Diet or exercise? How do birds cope with transitions in workload associated with parental care or fledging? I am looking for multiple MSc or PhD  students to join my lab as part of my long-term NSERC-funded work on avian evolutionary

We work within a strong life-history framework: several
potential projects are available integrating behaviour and physiology
of exercise or training during parental care and post-fledging activity
to explain costs of reproduction ans survival. This work will take
advantage of an automated radio-tracking system we set up in 2015 for
European starlings, and/or a training system for captive-breeding zebra
finches. General requirements: Strong academic background (GPA >3.0 and
>3.5 for PhD), a commitment to graduate school and basic research, and
a genuine interest in integrating evolutionary biology with behaviour,
and physiology. Experience with radio-telemetry, blood sampling, banding,
GIS or physiological analysis an advantage but not essential. This work
will be based at SFU with fieldwork in the Lower Mainland, BC.

For more information contact: Tony D. Williams, Dept. Biological
Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, V5A1S6, Canada,; Lab web page

Dept. of Biological Sciences
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
Canada, V5A 1S6

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