6 contratos predoctorales en biología celular (Alemania) ~ Bioblogia.net

30 de mayo de 2018

6 contratos predoctorales en biología celular (Alemania)

The Research Training Group " EvoCell: Cellular Mechanisms of Evolutionary Innovation” at the University of Osnabrück invites applications for

6 Positions for PhD Candidates
(salary grade E 13 TV-L, 65 %)

starting October 1st, 2018 for a duration of three years.

The international research training group “EvoCell: Cellular mechanisms of evolutionary innovation” aims at bridging the current gap between evolution and cell biology that is highly relevant to many fields. An interdisciplinary approach with complementary expertise in organismic, cell, theoretical and computational biology will take advantage of different model systems ranging from membrane vesicles (P1) over bacteria (P2, P3) and yeast cells (P4) to multicellular animal and plant eukaryotic systems (P5, P6). The participating groups provide a collaborative research environment including access to the state-of-the-art research equipment of the Center for Cellular Nanoanalytics Osnabrück (CellNanOS) and an association with the SFB 944 - Physiology and dynamics of cellular microcompartments. Successful candidates will participate in a structured training program offering scientific courses, training in transferable and outreach skills and participation in research sympos!

Description of Responsibilities:

• Cooperation in the research activities of the Research Training
• The position offers the possibility to pursue a doctorate
• Teaching duties

Required Qualifications:

• An excellent master degree/diploma in biology or related fields
including modelling

Desirable qualifications:

• A strong interest for research at the intersection between
evolution and cell biology
• Good English language skills (the training group language is

Projects offered:
P1 Evolution of complexity of cell membrane
(A. Mulkidjanian/Physics)
P2 The evolution of multicellular clusters in bacteria: causes and
(C. Kost/ Biology)
P3 Modelling the interplay between metabolic evolution on a cell-
level and community dynamics in microbial systems
(K. Frank/ Environmental Systems Research)
P4 Evolution of TORC1 signaling in the control of serine
(F. Fröhlich/ Biology)
P5 Evolution of regulatory networks controlling sexual
reproduction in land plants
(S. Zachgo/ Biology)
P6 The evolution of cytoskeletal regulation and neuronal
(R. Brandt/ Biology)

For more information on the projects, visit (https://www.biologie-cms.uni-osnabrueck.de/fileadmin/Medien/Allgemein/pdf/Evocell_Information_for_applicants.pdf) or the homepages of the participating groups.

Osnabrück University has been certified as a family-friendly university committed to helping working/studying parents and carers balance their family and work life.

The university aspires to ensure equal opportunities for men and women and strives to work towards a gender balance in schools or departments where new appointments are made.

If equally qualified candidates apply, preference will be given to those with special needs.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, list of publications, certificates of academic qualifications, and addresses of two referees together with a short statement describing your research interest and motivation to join the research training group. Deadline for application is June 16th, 2018. Application documents should be sent via email as one single PDF to bewerbung@biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de.

Further information about the graduate school or the application procedure is available from the speaker Prof. Dr. C. Kost (christian.kost@uni-osnabrueck.de).

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