Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, has an open PhD position in Evolutionary Ecology of Ecosystems, at the Center for Ecology Evolution & Biogeochemistry (CEEB).
The position is fully funded for 4 years, and will be based in the
group of Blake Matthews. The successful applicant will be a student
at the University of Bern, and be co-supervised by Prof. Ole Seehausen
(Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Bern).
The project will explore 15,000 years of evolution and ecosystem dynamics
in Lake Victoria, East Africa, as reconstructed from sediment cores,
fossils and ancient DNA. This Swiss NSF Sinergia project is a cooperation
between U Bern, Eawag, the Centre for Geogenetics at U of Copenhagen,
Denmark, the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, U of Arizona,
U Massachusetts and others.
The group of Blake Matthews focuses on phenotypic evolution in a
community and ecosystem context. The open PhD position will investigate
how the community composition and phenotypic diversity of zooplankton has
changed over time in Lake Victoria. To this end, the student will analyze
subfossil remains of zooplankton from sediment cores spanning hundreds
to thousands of years of ecosystem and evolutionary history. This is one
of 4 PhD positions funded by the project. In close collaboration with
ecologists, paleo-ecologists and paleo-genomics researchers, we want to
address how the evolutionary diversification of the cichlid fish along
with other ecosystem changes (e.g. eutrophication), have interacted with
the plankton community of Lake Victoria.
Ideally, the candidate has some prior experience in invertebrate taxonomy
(ideally with zooplankton) and/or paleolimnology. The candidate is
motivated to learn about evolutionary ecology in general, and about
paleolimnology and zooplankton in particular. The group¢s working
language is English. Knowledge of German or French is not required.
Eawag¢s CEEB is located on the shore of Lake Lucerne and is
a strong nucleus of Eawag research groups aimed at integrating
evolutionary biology, community ecology, and ecosystem science
http://www.eawag.ch/forschung/cc/ceeb/index_EN. The PhD student will
interact with a diverse range of researchers studying community ecology,
evolutionary biology, ecological genetics, ecosystem science, and applied
environmental science.
Review of applications will start Feb 11th and continue until the position
is filled.
Please send one pdf file only, with CV, letter of motivation, and contact
details of three referees to Dr. Blake Matthews (blake.matthews@eawag.ch).
Lab homepage: http://homepages.eawag.ch/~matthebl/Welcome.html
Publication list: https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=KPOcG_sAAAAJ&hl=en
Matthews, Blake
Eawag, Aquatic Ecology Department
Center for Ecology, Evolution & Biogeochemistry
Seestrasse 79
6047, Kastanienbaum
29 de enero de 2019
aquatic ecology
Oferta de doctorado en ecología evolutiva de ecosistemas (Suiza)