Postdoc en ecología del comportamiento y evolución de limícolas ~

9 de enero de 2019

Postdoc en ecología del comportamiento y evolución de limícolas


Social interactions are among the most fascinating aspects of animal
behaviour. This project will focus on the demographic drivers of sex role
reversal in shorebirds (plovers, sandpipers and allies), when females
compete for mates and males provide parental care. Results from cutting
edge research carried out by our team (see references below & on our
websites)suggest that role reversal occur in species where males are the
more common sex. However, solid field data on sex ratios are scarce and the
processes generating skewed sex ratios are largely unknown.

The successful candidate will join an international team of scientists
working on shorebird ecology, behaviour and conservation, and will carry
out a field study on a sex role reversed, polyandrous species. Most likely
target species include the Bronze-winged and/or Pheasant-tailed Jacana,
with potential field sites in India or Taiwan. This exciting project will
collect data on breeding behaviour, offspring sex ratio, and survival of
males and females in a closely monitored population. We will use
demographic modelling to estimate adult sex ratio and to identify its most
important determinants. The project will also contribute to our largescale
comparative studies in shorebirds worldwide (see

The project is led by Prof András Liker (Univiversity of Pannonia,
Veszprém, Hungary, see, and is part of a
collaboration with Dr Vojtěch Kubelka (Univiversity of Debrecen, Hungary),
Prof Tamás Székely (University of Bath, UK), and Dr András Kosztolanyi
(University of Veterinary Science, Budapest, Hungary) to understand
breeding system evolution using shorebirds as model organisms. The research
group uses English as the communication language.

This job offers an opportunity for an early-stage post-doc who wants to
combine fieldwork with cutting-edge evolutionary and behavioural science.
The main tasks of the post-doc are to organize, carry out and supervise
field studies. We seek candidates with experience in behavioural ecology
and field biology preferable with birds/shorebirds. Publications in
high-quality peer-reviewed journals, excellent communication skills, and
solid skills in data handling are essential. See further specifications

This is a full-time position and the salary will be above the normal
Hungarian level (up to 1200 EUR, depending on experience). Note that the
cost of living in Hungary is substantially less than in Western Europe and
in the US. The current position is for 22 months (subject to probation
period), with possibility of extension (pending on the availability of
further funding).

Application deadline is 31 January 2019, although the screening of
candidates may start earlier. The application should include (1) a max two
pages cover letter, (2) a CV with list of publications, and (3) the name
and contact details of four referees preferably from research, academia or
conservation. The applications should be emailed to Prof András Liker (

The position is available from 1st March 2019.

Selected publications:

Liker, A., Freckleton, R. P., & Székely, T. 2013. The evolution of sex
roles in birds is related to adult sex ratio. Nature Communications 4: 1587.

Pipoly, I., Bókony, V., Kirkpatrick, M., Donald, P. F. Székely, T. & Liker,
A. 2015. The genetic sex determination system predicts the adult sex ratio
in tetrapods. Nature 527: 91–94.

Schacht, R., Kramer, K.L., Székely, T. & Kappeler, P.M. 2017. Adult sex
ratios and reproductive strategies: a critical re-examination of sex
differences in human and animal societies. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372:

Eberhart-Phillips, L. J. et al. 2018. Demographic causes of adult sex ratio
variation and their consequences for parental cooperation. Nature
Communications 9: 1651

Kubelka V., Šálek M., Tomkovich P., Végvári Z., Freckleton R. P. & Székely
T. 2018: Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in
shorebirds. Science 362: 680–683.

Job description:

The post-doc will organize and carry out field work in a foreign country,

Supervise PhD students and research assistants, coordinate research with
external collaborators,

Coordinate data collection and analyses, and preparation of publications,

Present and promote the results at conferences and research seminars,

Assist administration associated with the project,

Carry out other scientific and/or academic activities that are deemed
necessary for the success of the project.


PhD in evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, zoology, or relevant
field of life sciences,

Solid knowledge of evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, and/or

Experience in carrying out or supervising international research projects,

At least 2 years experience in field work related to avian ecology or
behavioural ecology,

Good skills in statistical modelling, advanced level in using R,

At least 5 published (or accepted) research papers in peer-reviewed

Experience in bird ringing, and preferably a ringing licence,

Valid driving licence.

Fanni Takács

RA of ÉLVONAL Project – Sex role evolution: testing the impacts of ecology,
demography and genes
Department of Evolutionary Zoology, University of Debrecen,
Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1., 4032, Hungary
email: |  |

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