Beca de máster botánico en USA con posibilidad de continuar con doctorado ~

29 de octubre de 2019

Beca de máster botánico en USA con posibilidad de continuar con doctorado

The University of Wisconsin – Madison Arboretum ( and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (Professor Paul Zedler, are jointly seeking an experienced and motivated graduate student to complete a funded resampling of the plant community of the famed Curtis Prairie (more information can be found here:

As the world’s oldest ecologically restored prairie, this site has a rich history and significance for the science and practice of restoration. With regular sampling since 1951, research at the site has generated a long-term dataset that yields insights into plant community composition and diversity, ecosystem succession, invasive species, carbon storage, prescribed fire management, and more. As the prairie was last resampled in 2002, there is need for a current resample upon which to assess the vegetation dynamics of this restoration project.

We seek a student to enter the M.S. program in Environment & Resources at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW-Madison ( There exists a possibility for continuing into the Ph.D program, depending on the interest of all parties. The resample of the 73 acre prairie and the follow up summary and analysis of the resulting data would be an essential part of the master’s thesis work. The existence of past data offers other opportunities for analysis on any number of themes of interest to the student.

This is a fully-funded opportunity, including one academic year of funding through a Cottam-Loucks Fellowship, one academic year of funding from a Nelson Institute Teaching Assistantship, and two field seasons of summer funding support provided by the Arboretum. We hope to have the successful candidate appointed by summer or fall 2020.

The most qualified applicants will have experience and demonstrated interest in prairie plant ecology and restoration. They must be physically able to put in long field days. Native prairie plant identification skills are essential, as is the ability to work well in teams. Experience with collecting and using GPS data and other aspects of Geographic Information Systems would be a plus.

To apply, prospective students must complete both of the following by December 1, 2019:
submit a letter of interest, C.V., and contact information for three references in an e-mail sent jointly to Paul Zedler ( and Brad Herrick (; and
apply directly to the Environment & Resources M.S. program at UW-Madison (instructions on the process and required elements can be found here:

The University of Wisconsin – Madison graduate programs are dedicated to equal opportunity and to recruiting a diverse student community.

Questions about this opportunity can be directed to Paul Zedler ( or Brad Herrick (

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