Doctorado estudiando bosques canadienses ~

16 de octubre de 2019

Doctorado estudiando bosques canadienses

PhD thesis: Evaluation of tree vulnerability under assisted migration: a functional approach
Deadline: 2019-11-15

Due to climate change, it is anticipated that current tree populations will be exposed to very different environmental conditions from the current conditions. Assisted migration is a potential management strategy, but the planted trees are confronted with more rigorous conditions, especially during their early establishment phase. We have established an experiment in the Quebec mixed forest to better understand vulnerability of trees planted for assisted migration. Nine thousand seedlings of 9 different species and 3 provenances, representing current climate, that of 2050 and of 2080, were planted and subject to treatments testing different abiotic and biotic constraints : microclimate, herbivory (exclosures) and vegetation competition. We are seeking a PhD candidate interested in working on this unique site with a team of researchers from Quebec and the United States (USDA). The project includes three dimensions : 1) monitoring of phenological traits; 2) herbivory : evaluation of the risk of predation as a function of species and provenance and 3) functional traits : measure of key traits and their plasticity across species and provenances. The project is supervised by a multi-disciplinary team: Jean-Pierre Tremblay ( and Alison Munson from Université Laval, and Patricia Raymond from the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks.
We are offering a fellowship of 21 000 $/yr for three years. The candidate should have a Masters or MSc in biology or forest sciences (or be completing a degree). We are looking for qualities of autonomy, curiosity, science communication skills (written and oral). Please send your CV, your recent marks, a letter of motivation and a list of 2-3 references who can be contacted, to M Tremblay, for November 15th, 2019.

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