Prácticas remuneradas de ornitología en EEUU ~

13 de enero de 2020

Prácticas remuneradas de ornitología en EEUU

Position Description: Four (4) interns are needed to work as part of the Piping Plover recovery project with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Rhode Island. Interns will be hired through Northwoods Stewardship Center and function as independent contractors at USFWS. This project monitors federally-protected Piping Plovers, as well as Least Terns and American Oystercatchers during the nesting season. Fieldwork will occur on federal, state, and private property in southern Rhode Island. The majority of the work for this position(s) will take place outdoors.

Duties include posting and signing nesting habitat, nest searching, setting up nest exclosures, educating the public, monitoring shorebird pairs and chicks, and recording and entering data. Applicants must be in good physical shape and able to hike long distances (up to 7 miles per day) on soft sand with heavy loads (up to 50 pounds). Must be a team player, have a positive attitude, and be willing to work on other projects within the biological program as needed. Applicants also must be comfortable regularly interacting with private landowners, partner organizations, and the public in a professional manner. Work schedule will be 5 days per week, including weekends and holidays with two regular consecutive days off during the week.

Requirements: Previous birding experience, a strong interest in wildlife conservation, and a valid US driver's license are required.

Position Dates: Internship extends from April 1- August 14 (some flexibility in start and end dates may be available for well-qualified candidates). Pending funding, there is possibility for one intern to extend for 12 weeks onto other refuge biological programs in the fall, after the completion of the shorebird internship.

Salary: $250/week. Free refuge housing in Charlestown, RI available for non-local interns.


How to Apply: Send letter of interest, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Dusty May ( and Alex Kirk ( with “RI Shorebird Conservation Internship” in the subject line by January 31, 2020.

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