Postdoc en limnología (Austria) ~

14 de febrero de 2020

Postdoc en limnología (Austria)

Postdoc/PhD position at the Research Dept. for Limnology, Mondsee, Austria

We are offering a postdoc position within the project Functional Diversity of Planktonic Ciliates, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). This project investigates the taxonomic (TDiv) and, in particular, functional diversity (FDiv) of ciliates in freshwater and the ocean. Our analyses of FDiv will be based upon functional traits (FT) that we will define and weight in their relative significance for the ecosystem level using multivariate statistics. We will use an experimental approach (i.e., numerical and functional responses) and semi-mechanistic models to investigate ciliate responses to food and temperature.

The successful candidate will be responsible for compiling and analysing the existing marine and freshwater FT data and analysing ciliate FDiv using advanced statistics in R. He/she will spend ~9 months in the partner laboratory at Liverpool, conducting experimental laboratory work and field work. The position is also open for suitable PhD candidates.

Employment will start as soon as possible and last until September, 2022. Salary level is according to FWF project standards (gross salary currently 54,453.00 € p.a. for Postdocs, see

To apply, please send a motivation letter, CV and contact details of two references until March 15, 2020 to Thomas Weisse ( Further information can be found at:

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