7 plazas en Italia para hacer un doctorado sobre pesca sostenible en el Mediterráneo ~ Bioblogia.net

9 de mayo de 2020

7 plazas en Italia para hacer un doctorado sobre pesca sostenible en el Mediterráneo

The call for applicants is now open for the UniBo PhD program “Innovative technologies and
sustainable use of Mediterranean Sea fishery and biological resources”
(FISHMED-PHD). Seven positions available on the following research topics:
1)    Valorization of fishery production systems
2)    Development of innovative systems and indicators for mollusc farming
3)    Biodiversity and population dynamics of demersal and benthic fishery resources
4)    Biomineralization and applications for the circular economy
5)    Climate change and sustainable fisheries: interactions and challenges
6)    Bio-ecological aspects of the Crustacean fisheries
7)    Adaptative life history strategies of exploited Gadiformes in relation to fishery and climate change

Link to the call and to the program presentation:

Link to the Marine Biology and Fisheries Laboratory of Fano:

Applications must be submitted by 21 May 2020 - 1:00 pm (Italy time) to: https://studenti.unibo.it/sol/welcome.htm

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