The newly established Research Training Group GRK2599 funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) announces the opening of:
17 Doctoral Positions
(Starting 01. January 2021, 3 years)
The goal of the proposed Research Training Group GRK2599 is to establish an in-ternationally competitive research and training program to promote young scientists and medical students in the field of immunology. The research field focuses on de-fined molecular regulators in different cells of the immune system, including DCs and macrophages and subpopulations found within the group of T cells and B cells and their roles in inflammation, autoimmunity, infection and cancer.
To identify and explore new fine-tuners of adaptive immune responses and immune memory. The doctoral candidates will apply genome-wide transcriptome analysis, modern imaging techniques, transgenic mouse technologies and CRISPR-mediated genome editing.
Core elements of the training program are a bi-weekly RTG Paul-Ehrlich-Club, re-search-specific as well as interdisciplinary hard skill and soft skill workshops, inter-nal RTG research retreats and RTG network meetings, the RTG guest speaker se-ries, the RTG’s public relation program as well as a trainee program financed by the RTG in research labs outside of Germany.
We are looking for natural science doctoral candidates from Germany and abroad with a very good master’s degree in biology, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacy, human biology, chemistry, or related subjects.
Detailed information about the research and training programs, as well as the appli-cation process, can be found on our homepage at