Consigue una beca para hacer un doctorado eco-evo en Australia ~

30 de julio de 2020

Consigue una beca para hacer un doctorado eco-evo en Australia

(Nota de Fernando: Trabajé con Mike y te lo recomiendo al 100% como mentor. Es un crack y una buenísima persona. De hecho, seguro que lo empiezas a notar al leer este texto.)

Australian National University: International applicants for PhDs in
Ecology & Evolution

Are you a high-achieving studentinterested in pursuing a PhD? Do you want
to work with top researchers, in a welcoming multinational department,
in a liveable, peaceful city, in a beautiful country? Then check out
theDivision of Ecology & Evolutionat the Australian National University.

Our Science: We provide an outstanding research environment with a
world-class reputation. Our staff include global leaders in molecular
ecology, phylogenetics, evolutionary genetics and ecology, behavioural
ecology, and macroecology. We research a wide range of topics ĄV from
orchid interactions with pollinators and mycorrhizae to cuckoo-host arms
races; from the evolution of genomes to that of languages. If you are
interested in doing a PhD with us check out our Research Groups below,
and contact prospective supervisors.

Diverse students: Right now we are home to PhD students from Bangladesh,
Brazil, New Zealand, Indonesia, Iran, Sri Lanka, Japan, Mexico, Thailand,
Nigeria, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, U.S.A., Canada, Northern
Ireland, Russia, Italy, and Uzbekistan. We even have a few Aussies!

Our values: We work hard to provide quality supervision and we take pride
in creating an atmosphere that values intellectual rigour, inclusivity,
mentorship, community, social activities and enjoyment of science. Our
PhD students are well supported through internal funding, including
for conference travel, and our research facilities are superb. We
have a thriving community of PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows,
and our graduates go on to productive careers in many areas of science
and beyond. Warning though ĄV once you arrive in Australia you won't
want to leave!

Location: The ANU is situated in the capital city of Canberra, which is
the countryĄŚs most liveable city. We are surrounded by bushland. There
are sometimes kangaroos on campus, and always possums. We are across
the street from the beautiful National Botanic Gardens. Due to the many
embassies in Canberra there are frequent cultural evenings, art exhibits,
film festivals and music events; and the politicians ensure there are
countless restaurants and bars to relax in after work.

The Australian National University:We have an international reputation for
research excellence. The ANU consistently ranks in the top 50 universities
in the world (e.g. 31 on QS World Rankings).

Candidates: Fully funded International PhD scholarships are highly
competitive at the ANU. To be a viable candidate you need: (1) excellent
undergraduate marks; (2) a Masters by Research with a high mark; or an
equivalent large Honours thesis; or (rarely) equivalent proof of research
experience. (3) While it is not essential, if you have published papers
this is a big bonus.

What do I do?First, contact potential supervisors from the list of staff
on the Research Groups above(include your CV and grades). If they are
interested in supervising you (conditional on you having funding),
then contact theGraduate Program Convenor, Professor Celeste Linde
(, by 14th August 2020with: a detailed
CV, full academic transcripts, the name of your potential supervisor and
a brief description of a research project that you and your potential
supervisor have discussed. We will then compile a short-list of applicants
and invite them to formally apply to the ANU. Our system is designed
to avoid discrimination on the basis of which country or institute you
studied at. Rich or poor, North or South. As long as it is a reputable,
accredited institute you are eligible.

How it works: For now, we are assuming that your personal finances
are such that you need an ANU fellowship to do a PhD. We don't want to
waste your time, or make you pay an application fee unnecessarily. We
will therefore only recommend you apply for a PhD if you have a
viable chance of winning an ANU scholarship. Even then it is still
a very competitive process (we can make no promises). There is no
separate scholarship application. You simply apply for a PhD and tick a
scholarship box. Entry to the PhD program is open to applicants with a
Bachelor degree and having completed (or in the process of completing)
an Honours or Masters research (as opposed to coursework) degree that
comprises at least a half year, full time research component and a thesis
(5,000-10,000 words). Applicants with significant research experience
and publications may be deemed eligible if their achievements can be
justified as equivalent to completing an Honours/Masters degree.

Theapplication form is here, along with general information onhow to
applyand the details about theDoctor of Philosophy program. But read
on now as you need to plan ahead in case you are shortlisted. In brief,
your PhD application, due by31 August,requires:

Academic transcripts & graduation/completion certificates from your
Bachelor and Honours/MSc degree (in their original language and, if
needed, a translation), with grading scale information.A current CV,
include scholarships or prizes, publications and conferences.Research
proposal (this is quite short and your potential supervisor can help you
with it).Proficient in English: For many countries a current IELTS or
TOEFL certificate is required (see ANU policy). Note: You can state this
is pending. If awarded a scholarship you must then pass the test.Three
referee reports. You need to enter your referee details on the application
form. The system then automatically sends them a link to complete an
online form. NB: You need to ensure your referees are willing and able
to write letters and do so promptly. Plan ahead and alert them.

The information on this posting with active hyperlinks is at:

Professor MichaelJennions

Head of Division
Division of Ecology & Evolution
Research School ofBiology
ANU College of Science
RN Robertson Building
46 Sullivans Creek Road
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia

T: +61 2 6125 2866


CRICOS #00120C

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