Congreso online gratuito: Biodiversity Genomics 2020 ~

5 de septiembre de 2020

Congreso online gratuito: Biodiversity Genomics 2020

Biodiversity Genomics 2020 will bring together researchers across theworld to celebrate our achievements in genome sequencing across the
eukaryotic tree of life, explore current challenges and their likely
solutions, and look forward to the coming decade of the application of
genomics across the globe.

Sessions will cover many interconnected topics including evolutionary
and comparative genomics, hence sharing with this list.

Full details and the registration (free!) link are available at:

There will be a session focused on Arthropod Genomics, to which we
invite talk and virtual poster submissions for all types of arthropod
genomics projects.

Meeting registration open: NOW
Poster and talk abstract submission open: NOW
Talk abstract submission close: 1 September 2020
Notification of speaker choices: 10 September 2020
Poster abstract submission close: 20 September 2020
Registration to attend closes: 2 October 2020

Please share this invitation widely with your colleagues.

Best wishes,
Dorith Rotenberg and Surya Saha
On behalf of the organizing committee

\\ Robert M. Waterhouse
"" SNF Prof & SIB Group Leader
Univ. Lausanne +41 21 692 41 05

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