Doctorado con pintaza estudiando migraciones de murciélagos (UK, Alemania, Canada) ~

17 de noviembre de 2020

Doctorado con pintaza estudiando migraciones de murciélagos (UK, Alemania, Canada)

We are looking for a candidate for a fully-funded interdisciplinary PhD studentship at the University of St Andrews, funded by the IAPETUS Doctoral Training Programme:

This project is at the intersection of GIScience and movement ecology: student will use data science to explore how migratory bats use information from Earth’s magnetic field for navigation. The student will fuse satellite geomagnetic data from ESA’s Swarm constellation with bat tracking data and then apply movement analytics to investigate migratory patterns.

The project is supervised by Urska Demsar (University of St Andrews), Ana Basiri (University of Glasgow), Ciaran Beggan (British Geological Survey), Jed Long (Western University, Canada) and Kamran Safi (Max-Planck Institute for Animal Behaviour, Germany)

We are looking for a student with an excellent degree (preferably MSc), potential prior research experience and experience in coding in Python. The competition is open to UK, EU and international students. The funding covers 3.5 years including tuition fees, maintenance stipend and research expenses.

For more information see:

DL for expressions of interest is 10 Dec 2020.

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