Post-doctoral researcher in avian dispersal ecology (Switzerland) ~

12 de diciembre de 2020

Post-doctoral researcher in avian dispersal ecology (Switzerland)

The Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach is a non-profit foundation supported by the public. Our 150 employees study wild birds to acquire the scientific basis for the conservation of birds and their habitats. Together with our partners, we make sure that nature benefits from the existing knowledge and law.

The Ecology research group evaluates how birds interact with their environment, how birds adapt to present-day landscapes and what birds require to survive. Within a large collaborative project we seek a


Post-doctoral researcher in avian dispersal ecology (80 - 100%)

 Capitalizing on data from two on-going, experimental long-term projects, the postdoc will study the survival and behaviour during natal dispersal in two raptor species, the little owl (Athene noctua) and the red kite (Milvus milvus). Specifically, the postdoc will investigate patterns and mechanisms of juvenile dispersal in relation to habitat traits and individual characteristics. Detailed analyses of natal dispersal movements and of individual prospecting and settlement decisions will be used to improve the mechanistic understanding of informed dispersal. Over the last years, hundreds of juveniles have been tagged in both species, providing a continuously growing base of detailed survival and movement data.



PhD in ecology, preferably in movement ecology or behavioural ecology with a strong interest in biostatistics. Ideally, candidates have a background in analysing animal movements and dispersal, survival, and habitat selection. The open position requires excellent skills in scientific writing and statistical modelling using large spatial datasets (R, JAGS, or STAN). Experience in multi-state modelling, resource and step selection functions, and geostatistics is desired. The successful candidate will work within a team of closely cooperating researchers. Working language is English, although knowledge of German or French is a plus.


What we offer

The position is offered initially for 2 years, with the possibility of a one-year extension. Salary is according to the regulation of the Swiss Ornithological Institute. Start-ing date is 1 March 2021 or by agreement. Working place is Sempach, Switzerland.


Application and contact

Applications should be electronically submitted as one single PDF file to Please include a letter of motivation detailing research interests and experience, a current CV stating key publications or PhD chapters, and contact information of three academic referees. Closing date for applications is 31 December 2020. Interviews are expected to be held in January. The Swiss Ornithological Institute strives to increase the proportion of women in its employment, which is why qualified women are particularly called upon to apply for this position. For more information please contact Martin Grüebler or Urs Kormann ( /


More information about the project and how to apply:


Deadline for applications 31st of December.

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