5 plazas de post-doc y doctorado estudiando biología del desarrollo, evolución y endosimbiosis en Estambul ~ Bioblogia.net

4 de marzo de 2021

5 plazas de post-doc y doctorado estudiando biología del desarrollo, evolución y endosimbiosis en Estambul

Oferta compartida por Nuria

Two postdoctoral positions and 3 doctoral student positions in developmental biology, evolution and endosymbiosis

At the laboratory of Ab. Matteen Rafiqi at The institute of Life Sciences and Biotechnology located in Istanbul. We study development, ecology and evolutionary biology using insects: ants, flies and true bugs as a model system. There is flexibility in terms of what successful applicants can work on, and postdocs will be encouraged to develop projects that are well-suited to their strengths and interests. 

Some themes of ongoing work in the lab include:
  • Pattern formation and body plan evolution in ants.
  • The interaction between endosymbiont genes and host developmental gene regulatory network.
  • Role of highly conserved genes in horizontal transfer of endosymbionts.
The research involves working with insects, molecular biology laboratory, and field work (when necessary). Excellent communication skills in English are required. Interested individuals should send a CV, a brief description of research accomplishments and future goals to m.rafiqi(at)bezmialem.edu.tr. A written test will be conducted for PhD students and an interview for postdocs on a rolling basis. The PhD candidate must either be registered for a PhD or be eligible for registration in any Turkish university. Preference will be given to applicants who can start by March 2021. The salary is governed by Tubitak rules for 2247A (click the following links for details).


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