Postdoctoral fellowship on Coevolutionary Dynamics in Ecological Networks at Paulo Guimaraes’s Lab at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The deadline for applications are 20 October 2021.
Essential qualifications:
- A PhD in Ecology, Biological Sciences, Zoology, Parasitology, Botany, Genetics, Computer Science or Physics.
- First author publications.
- A strong background in Ecology, Parasitology, Quantitative Genetics or Physics.
- International experience (PhD or postdoc).
- Knowledge of at least one programming language (R, Matlab, Fortran, C, C++, Python).
- Research experience on ecological interactions, preferably with fieldwork experience.
- Publications as coauthor.
- Updated CV
- A recommendation letter
- PhD certificate
- A short letter explaining why the candidate would like to work with coevolutionary dynamics of ecological interactions
The positions are open to Brazilian and foreign citizens. The selected candidates will receive a FAPESP postdoc fellowship - current salary of R$ 7.373,10 per month. The candidate will also receive 15% of its annual income for research expenses.
Application: Candidates should send the mandatory documents listed above to by e-mail ( indicating as e-mail subject: Post-doc [candidate name].