- 1 - The Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geography Department, has an open position for a
Starting as soon as possible. This is a Junior professorship (W1 level, 100%) with a tenure track to a permanent professorship (W2 level, 100%). To verify whether the individual performance meets the requirements for permanent employment, an evaluation process will be opened not later than four years of the Junior professorship. Tenure track professors at the HU Berlin are expected to carry out research and teaching, as well as to be active in university administration, in the promotion of young scientists and in acquiring leadership and management skills. The concrete requirements out of the framework catalogue [https://hu.berlin/tenuretrack_katalog] will be specified in the course of the appointment process.
We seek candidates with an outstanding research record in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, with experience in working in the Global South. Successful candidates are rooted in conservation science and must have a doctoral degree in conservation science, development geography, environmental science, political ecology or related fields. We expect a demonstrated ability to work interdisciplinary, across the social and natural sciences in order to understand and problematize conservation challenges and solutions. We seek individuals with the vision, leadership and enthusiasm to build an internationally recognized research program. We expect collaboration with other research groups at the department, at HU Berlin and beyond, and a commitment to promoting a positive, diverse and inclusive institutional culture. Experience in translating conservation science into action and/or work at the science/policy interface are beneficial.
We offer a tenure track position in an international, young and vibrant department with an excellent scientific and education track record. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary group of faculty focused on human-environment relations, global change, and sustainability. The salary will be according to W1 level, and after successful tenure evaluation W2 level. Employment at HU Berlin offers all benefits of the German public service system, including health insurance, an attractive pension plan, and social benefits. Standard professorial duties include research (incl. advising PhD and postdoc researchers), teaching (incl. examinations and thesis supervision) and administration (incl. management and leadership). During the first six years, the professorship will have a reduced teaching load and a lower administrative load. The institute is changing towards a departmental structure in which the new professorship will participate to the same extent as all other professorships in the common pool of staff and research infrastructures. HU Berlin hosts one of Germany’s and Europe’s leading Geography Departments, with research foci in Climate Change, Land Use Change, Sustainability Science, and Urban Studies. The department contributes to the Integrated Research Institute for Transformations in Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) and is closely linked to research institutions in the Berlin-Brandenburg research area, including to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Leibniz Institute - 2 - of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, the Museum of Natural History, the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, and the German Research Centre for Geosciences. Berlin is Germany’s largest city with an inspiring metropolitan flair, a vibrant cultural scene, large green spaces, and a family-friendly environment.
HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. The Geography Department strives to internationalize its faculty team and strongly encourages individuals from abroad and/or with various cultural backgrounds to apply. We would be particularly excited to welcome a new colleague originating from the Global South. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration background are specifically encouraged to apply. The applicants must meet the legal requirements for professorial appointments in conjunction with § 102c combined with § 102a of the ‘Berliner Hochschulgesetz’.
Please send your application within 6 weeks, quoting the reference number JP/001/23 to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Caren Tischendorf, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany. In addition, applicants are requested to submit their application electronically at https://www2.mathnat.huberlin.de/naturschutz in a single pdf-file. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.
Applications should include a (1) a cover letter, (2) a CV (max. 3 pages), (3) a teaching concept including a summary of teaching experience (max. 2 pages), (4) a research concept describing the candidate’s current research program and proposed research at the intersection of conservation and sustainable development sciences (max. 3 pages), (5) a list of up to 10 selected publications, including short explanations why these were selected, (6) a statement (max. 1 page) identifying previous and future contributions to equity, diversity and inclusion, and the candidates ability to work in culturally diverse groups, (7) copies of certificates, and (8) contact details of up to three references.
Application deadline: 8 th March 2023
For questions regarding this position please contact: Prof. Tobias Kuemmerle (tobias.kuemmerle@hu-berlin.de). Please note that the legally binding version of this advertisement is the German version, which can be found at: https://haushalt-und-personal.hu-berlin.de/de/personal/stellenausschreibungen/ juniorprofessur-fuer-naturschutz-und-nachhaltige-entwicklung Information pursuant to Art. 12, 13 DSGVO on the processing of personal data at HumboldtUniversität within the framework of job advertisements can be found on our website: https://hu.berlin/DSGVO.