Puesto de investigador en genómica evolutiva en el CIBIO-INBIO (Portugal) ~ Bioblogia.net

5 de agosto de 2023

Puesto de investigador en genómica evolutiva en el CIBIO-INBIO (Portugal)

Oferta compartida por Nuria


Application deadline: 15 September 2023.
MAIN RESEARCH FIELD: Biological Sciences, Evolutionary Genomics
Reference: BIOPOLIS 2023-54
Job posting and application here 

BIOPOLIS/CIBIO is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral Junior Researcher in the area of Evolutionary Genomics, under a non-fixed term work contract with an expected duration of 2 years. The Researcher position is integrated in the Group EVOCHANGE, Genomics of Evolutionary Change.
The main aim is to use genomic sequencing data to infer evolutionary processes in natural animal populations, such as the genetic basis of traits, local adaptation or introgressive hybridization. The
work plan consists of the following tasks: processing and analysing whole-genome DNA sequencing data, along with other types of genetic data such as from reduced representation libraries or RNA-sequencing, using cutting edge analytical tools; creating predictive models of evolution under scenarios of climate change; providing support for bioinformatics analyses; managing genomic data; and managing computational resources for genomic data analysis.

The workplace is BIOPOLIS/CIBIO – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Rua Padre Armando Quintas nº7 | 4485-661 Vairão, PORTUGAL. BIOPOLIS/CIBIO’s mission is to develop world-class research in the area of biodiversity, advancing knowledge on the origins and maintenance of biodiversity, and applying this knowledge to address societal challenges related to climate and land use changes, environmental degradation, the loss and sustainable use of biodiversity and agrobiodiversity, and the management, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems and their services. 
BIOPOLIS/CIBIO has 196 researchers with a PhD, which are based in several universities and research institutes across Portugal and in one University in Angola. There are 34 research groups, which are organised in three thematic lines on 1) Evolution, Genetics & Genomics, 2) Biodiversity, Ecology & Conservation, and 3) Sustainability, Ecosystems & the Environment. These research groups focus their
activity on biodiversity and ecology, evolutionary biology and applied ecology, and integrate experts in complementary fields, such as molecular and population genetics, phylogeography, population biology, immunogenetics, taxonomy, ecology, functional biology, bioinformatics and computational biology, landscape management and conservation.

Application can be submitted by any national, foreign, and stateless candidate(s) holding a doctorate degree in Biology and related areas, and a scientific and professional background that aligns with the specific activities described below (item 7). In case the doctorate degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of 16 October, and all formalities established therein must be complied with at the signature of work contract. Specific requirements are:
  1. Experience in research in evolutionary genetics and genomics;
  2. Experience in using bioinformatics tools to analyse genomic DNA variation data, from population genomics to phylogenomics; 
  3. Experience in publishing papers in indexed international peer-reviewed scientific journals; 
  4. Experience in evolutionary and ecological modelling simulation frameworks is valued; 
  5. Experience in managing and using genomic data and computational resources is valued.

Non-fixed term work contract with expected duration of 2 years.

Monthly remuneration to be paid is that set by subheading a) nr.1 article 15 of RJEC and article nr 2 of the Regulatory Decree nr. 11-A/2017, corresponding to level 33 of the Tabela Remuneratória Única, approved by Order no. 1553-C/2008 of December 31st, i.e., 2228.11 Euros.

Instructions and selection procedures are detailed here.
The call for applications is open until 15 September 2023.
Expected starting date: 1st November 2023

Informal inquiries can be made to José Melo-Ferreira (jmeloferreira[at]cibio.up.pt).

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