The Raptor-research group at the Department of Animal Behaviour is
searching for a new team-member with a focus on behavioural experimentsin the field for the beginning of 2024. Our research group studies
the ecology of local raptor species regarding the behavioural ecology
and interactions of Common Buzzards (Buteo buteo), Goshawks (Accipiter
gentilis) and Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo). The Eagle Owl has experienced an
impressive comeback in the last decades. At the same time this species
does not only exert pressure on birds of prey such as Buzzard and
Goshawk through competition for prey and breeding sites, but also as
a predator ("intraguild predation"). The consequences of the Eagle
Owls expansion on the behaviour and habitat choice of the Common Buzzard
are not yet understood. The current project includes experiments on the
territorial behaviour of Common Buzzards towards Eagle Owl and Goshawk
and the acquisition of data on their breeding habitat (nest environment,
forest patch size, distance to roads etc.) in our approximately 300 km²
large study area near Bielefeld. The behavioural tests will be conducted
using Eagle Owl and Goshawk dummies. The field work requires the usage
of a private vehicle. The costs for fuel are of course reimbursed.
The field season is constituted of a mapping phase (mid-March to May)
followed by an experimental phase (May to max. August). Analyses will
be performed subsequently. The estimated duration of the project is
at least six months. We therefore offer a six-month stipend as support
We apply established ornithological methods during our yearly field
season (e.g. nest searching and checks, bird-ringing), which involve a
high workload in the field but are equally rewarding. A background in
ornithology is beneficial, but not required. Most importantly, we are
searching for enthusiastic and autonomous students. Of course, there will
be introductory training at the beginning of the field season. You will
also be a part of our bird-ringing teams sampling raptor nestlings. We
view the successful conclusion of your project and field season as a
superb basis for a future PhD position.
The supervisors of the project are Dr. Nayden Chakarov
Applications should be submitted by 15.01.2024
The Raptor-research group at the Department of Animal Behaviour is
searching for a new team-member with a focus on parasitology for the
beginning of 2024. Our research group studies the ecology and evolution
of local raptor populations and their blood parasites (Haemosporida),
which represent Malaria-like protists transmitted by mosquitoes,
blackflies and biting midges. Blood parasite diversity is high and
accompanies the evolution of their hosts. Simultaneously, blood parasites
are also drivers of evolution and should be considered at least equally
representative of biodiversity as metazoan species. In the current project
we aim to study the spatiotemporal occurrence of blood parasites in a
raptor population that has been studied for the past decades. The focus
lies on understanding the influence of environmental factors and habitat
properties on the diversity and occurrence of these parasites.
The project includes sample acquisition and parasitological analysis
(microscopy, molecular methods) of blood samples of Common Buzzards
(Buteo buteo) and other raptor species. Furthermore, you will acquire
data on breeding habitat properties (nest environment, distance to
water bodies etc.) in our approximately 300 km² large study area near
Bielefeld. The field work requires the usage of a private vehicle. The
costs for fuel are of course reimbursed.
The field season is constituted of a mapping phase (mid-March to May)
followed by a sampling phase (May to max. August). Analyses will be
performed subsequently (the application/implementation of advanced
methods is favourable). The estimated duration of the project is at
least six months. We therefore offer a six-month stipend as support
(750 euro /month).
We apply established ornithological methods during our yearly field
season (e.g. nest searching and checks, bird-ringing), which involve
a high workload in the field but are equally rewarding. A background
in ornithology or parasitology is beneficial, but not required. Most
importantly, we are searching for enthusiastic and autonomous students. Of
course, there will be introductory training at the beginning of the
field season. We view the successful conclusion of your project and
field season as a superb basis for a future PhD position.
The supervisors of the project are Dr. Nayden Chakarov
Applications should be submitted by 15.01.2024