15000 dólares, mentoría y formación en conservación para tu proyecto ~ Bioblogia.net

26 de julio de 2024

15000 dólares, mentoría y formación en conservación para tu proyecto

We are delighted to open the call for applications to our 2025 Team Awards!

We invite applications from teams of early-career leaders worldwide who are addressing global conservation priorities at a local level ⏰ Applications must be submitted online by 18 October, 2024.

The selected award-winning teams will receive a project grant of up to US$15,000 - PLUS training, mentorship and continuous support through our extensive alumni network.

Key eligibility requirements:

🤝 Teams must include at least three people
🌱 All team members must be early-career (i.e. have no more than five years' work experience in conservation)
👉 Team members must be nationals of the country in which the project will take place (though one non-national can be included, if clearly justified)
🌍 Projects must be based in an eligible country (see the full list of eligible and ineligible countries in the detailed guidelines on our website)
🐅 Projects must focus on the conservation of 'at-risk' species such as those designated as DD, VU, EN or CR by the IUCN Red List
📅 The project duration must be between 3-12 months

Please note:
✨ As of 2024, CLP funds can be used to pay team members for their work or services during the project.
✨ CLP is committed to supporting people regardless of their educational background. There is no minimum education required to participate as a team leader or team member; we welcome individuals with any informal, formal or non-formal education.

Find out more on our website, including eligibility requirements, how to apply and further resources: https://www.conservationleadershipprogramme.org/grants/grant-overview/future-conservationist-award/

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