Únete al equipo ANTENNA para monitorizar polinizadores con tecnología innovadora en Dublín ~ Bioblogia.net

22 de enero de 2025

Únete al equipo ANTENNA para monitorizar polinizadores con tecnología innovadora en Dublín

 A highly motivated individual is sought to join the multidisciplinary team of ANTENNA “Making technology work for monitoring pollinators”, a European Biodiversa consortium nationally funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. The successful applicant will be based in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, with Professor Jane Stout, collaborating with partners across Europe.

About the project

Due to pollinators’ decline and their importance in food security and ecosystems, the EU Pollinators Initiative has prioritised the establishment of a comprehensive monitoring system (EU PoMS). Modern technologies like robotics and computer vision can improve pollinator monitoring coverage, speed, and accuracy. However, more research is needed to advance and adapt these technologies to determine the best, most cost-effective ways to use them for pollinator monitoring.

ANTENNA will assess stakeholder needs regarding usability, design, current limitations, and opportunities for improvement to enhance new monitoring methods. Based on this, we will improve methodologies whilst testing their effectiveness and complementarity alongside traditional sampling across various regions within and outside the EU. Additionally, we will create a roadmap for improving pollinator monitoring across Europe using these frameworks, data standards, and integration pipelines.

About the role

We seek an experienced individual to join the team for up to 2 years of the ANTENNA project. This person will be responsible for:

  1. Assessing stakeholder needs for novel pollinator monitoring technologies.
  2. Trialling novel technologies at our site network in Ireland.
  3. Providing a roadmap for novel pollinator monitoring technologies to be incorporated into European policy.
  4. Working with the wider project team to contribute to a cost-benefit analysis and refine methods.
  5. Project management, including reporting, data management, and managing relationships with project personnel and partners

Skills and qualifications required


  • Experience in biodiversity monitoring
  • Exceptional skills in the management of a multi-partner project, including arranging meetings, reporting, and interacting with researchers and a wide range of stakeholders (partners, taxonomic experts, funders, and decision-makers)
  • Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent personal time management
  • Excellent data handling and presentation skills
  • Excellent report writing skills


  • PhD in ecological/environmental sciences, entomology, biodiversity or similar
  • Experience with insect identification
  • Experience in successfully publishing scientific journal articles

Job specifications

Post status: Up to 24 month Specific Purpose Contract

The duration of this contract is limited to the above-fixed term so that the successful candidate can complete work on the ANTENNA project. This contract is, therefore, limited to a fixed term and is not being offered on a permanent basis, as the specific scope of responsibilities associated with this role aligns with the externally funded ANTENNA project timeline and deliverables and is expected to conclude within the period outlined.

Hours of Post: Full-time, 35 hours per week

Salary: This appointment will be made on the Research Assistant (€31,962 – €41,943 per annum) or Post-Doctoral Researcher Salary Scale (€43,908 – €44,496 per annum) at a point depending on experience, in line with current Irish Universities Association University Research Salary Scales/Guidelines.

How to apply

Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter that specifically addresses their relevant experience and outlines their suitability for the position, along with three referees’ names and contact details, to Jessica Knapp (KNAPPJ@tcd.ie). The position will remain open until filled.

Applicants not addressing the application requirements above will not be considered at the shortlist stage.

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