Contrato de 4 años en Polonia estudiando genómica de anfibios ~

6 de marzo de 2025

Contrato de 4 años en Polonia estudiando genómica de anfibios

PhD Position in Speciation Genomics

We invite applications for a PhD position within the project “Divergence and gene flow along giant newt genomes,” funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) OPUS grant.

Genomic gigantism has evolved independently in several eukaryotic lineages. While we understand the mechanistic basis of genome size increase (proliferation and retention of repetitive sequences), the evolutionary mechanisms driving genome expansion remain incompletely understood. Furthermore, how sequence and structure evolve in giant genomes and the genomic consequences of this gigantism are largely unknown.

This project focuses on newts of the Lissotriton vulgaris species complex. These nine lineages form a speciation continuum that has been well-studied genetically, providing a solid foundation for further genomic research. We aim to integrate data on structural differences, divergence in single-copy and repetitive parts of the genome, and direct assessments of introgression in replicated natural hybrid zones. Chromosome-scale genome assemblies will be combined with low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of hundreds of samples from an extensive DNA collection.

The successful candidate will quantify divergence and introgression in single-copy genomic regions and identify the determinants of these processes. Research tasks include bioinformatic, statistical, and population-genomic analyses of low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data, leveraging chromosome-scale reference assemblies. The PhD student will develop strong skills in bioinformatics, computational biology, and the handling of large-scale genomic datasets.


  • An M.Sc. degree in a relevant field (obtained or expected by July 2025).
  • Strong interest in Evolution, Population Genetics, and/or Genomics.
  • Willingness to learn and apply Bioinformatics and Computational Biology methods.
  • Good communication, organizational skills, and proficiency in English.
  • Previous experience in population genetics, evolutionary biology, or genomics is advantageous but not mandatory.

The PhD student will be based at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland—one of the leading research institutes in Ecology and Evolution in Central Europe. Kraków is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene, numerous festivals, modern museums, and excellent access to outdoor activities.

How to apply:
Please send the following documents by email:

  • A cover letter describing your background, skills, and motivation.
  • A CV.
  • Contact details of at least one academic reference.

Applications and informal inquiries should be sent to Prof. Wiesław Babik ( Review of applications is ongoing, and for full consideration, please apply by 30th April 2025. Selected candidates will be guided through the formal application to the PhD school at Jagiellonian University (entrance exams in early July 2025). The position is funded for 48 months, offering a tax-free stipend of approximately 8,000 PLN (~1,900 EUR), which increases by about 40% after a successful mid-term evaluation.

The PhD position starts on 1st October 2025.

Contact details:
Prof. Wiesław Babik
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Jagiellonian University
Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, Poland
Tel. +48 12 664 51 71 | Fax +48 12 664 69 12

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